Oracle Cloud new instance

I wanted a new test environment so re-created two instances on the always free option for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Two things which I could not remember from the last time I did this was that the private key that you download when creating the instance, when you use login vi putty you hit an error.

Basically the private key from OCI, the putty application does not like it, so you have to import and change it to a version that it does. Just need puttygen.

Or from the command line -

$ puttygen ssh-key-test.key -o private -o ssh-key-test.ppk

just use the OCI generated key and change it to .ppk as above.

I tend to follow the notes from the excellent Oracle Base website to install Oracle but when using MobaXterm to run say the graphical Oracle Installer, after a fresh build on Oracle OCI instance you need to change the X11UseLocalhost parameter. Worth changing this to use password authentication at the same time so not dependent on using private keys (this is a test box for me so happy with just a password).

If you want to install "figlet" which I use quite a lot you need to add this  :

sudo rpm -ivh

After succesfully installing oracle 19c (follow the notes from Oracle Base) and fighting 19c with 1gig of memory when trying to connect the two servers needed to add port 1521 -

[root@durdb01 etc]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=1521/tcp 
[root@durdb01 etc]# firewall-cmd --reload 
 [root@durdb01 ~]#  firewall-cmd  --list-all
  public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: ens3
  services: dhcpv6-client ssh
  ports: tcp/1521 5556/tcp 9001/tcp 7777/tcp 14021/tcp 5557/tcp
  masquerade: no
  rich rules:

As OCI always free is limited to 1gig had to set the oracle memory parameters as :
memory_max_target               big integer 772M
memory_target                        big integer 0
Added 8gig of swap - not a lot of memory to play with but then it is free.

Useful link - DataGuard using OCI: