Patching OEM 13c Cloud Control - part 2

This is for the OEM October 2019 Patch Set Update.

You will need an Oracle Metalink Account and search for :

"Patch 30203475: EMBP Patch Set Update"

See also :

Daily / Hourly archive logs

Daily / Hourly archive log generation scripts - very handy.

Daily Archive Log Generation :

select trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'DD') Day, thread#, round(sum(BLOCKS*BLOCK_SIZE)/1024/1024/1024) GB, count(*) Archives_Generated from v$archived_log group by trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'DD'),thread# order by 1;

Hourly Archive Logs :

set pages 1000
alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';

select trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'HH') Hour,thread# , round(sum(BLOCKS*BLOCK_SIZE)/1024/1024/1024) GB, count(*) Archives from v$archived_log
group by trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'HH'),thread# order by 1 ;

** If you are running this on a dataguard env you need to run with applied='NO' or you get the log generation for both the primary and secondary and figure won't match what the o/s reports.

select trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'DD') Day, thread#, round(sum(BLOCKS*BLOCK_SIZE)/1024/1024/1024) GB, count(*) Archives_Generated from v$archived_log  where applied = 'NO' group by trunc(COMPLETION_TIME,'DD'),thread# order by 1

Find the amount of archiving you are using (run from the archive directory)

# cat - run from the directory with archive - if this already split into dated directories just run a du -skh

# check days
array=($(ls -la | grep rman_arc | awk '{print $6 $7}'| uniq))
for ((i=0; i<${#array[@]}; i++));
        mth=`echo ${array[$i]} | cut -c1-3`
        day=`echo ${array[$i]} | cut -c4-5`
        chk="$mth $day"
         echo -n "$chk "
# sum the files for the list of days
         ls -la | grep "$chk" | grep rman_arc | awk '{sum+=$5}END{print sum/1024/1024/1024}'
# sum the total
echo -n "Total "
ls -la | grep rman_arc | awk '{sum+=$5}END{print sum/1024/1024/1024}'

[root@db03 arc]# ./

Jun 14 34.2387
Jun 15 38.9001
Jun 16 109.296
Jun 17 49.5452
Jun 18 46.5221
Jun 19 32.9514
Jun 20 55.9935
Jun 21 13.1455

Total 380.592

[root@db03 arc]# pwd


Similar script to the ones earlier for ASM :

select substr(FIRST_TIME, 1,9), count(FIRST_TIME) from V$ARCHIVED_LOG group by substr(FIRST_TIME, 1,9) order by 1