Relinking Oracle Grid Home on RAC


Couple of notes from Oracle Metalink when relinking Oracle and Grid Home.

Please note when relinking the grid home the /u01/app/oraInventory/locks directory had to have the permissions changed when the grid relink ran otherwise the relink did not work.

Also, after bringing back some of our boxes and running "crsctl start crs"  the cluster was not starting on that node.

After running "oracleasm listdisks" - it turned out some of the diskgroups were missing.

Under investigation.

We ran "oracleasm scandisks" which discovered the disks but still no success with "crsctl stat res -t"

The only option was to run "crstcl stop crs -f" and force it down. 

Once restarted the server was ok.

Please check that oracleasm scandisks returns the expected values prior to running crsctl start crs.

The text in red are the commands to run once you have stopped all the services on the node you are about to relink.

If you need to "bounce" the server say for a kernel update please run "crsctl disable crs" or the clustering will start once the server restarts and you will have to stop everything again. Please remember to "crsctl enable crs" when you are happy.

Abridged notes from the Metalink Note 1536057.1) :

How To Relink The Oracle Grid Infrastructure RAC/Cluster Installation - v12.2

In order to relink the Oracle Grid Infrastructure RAC/Cluster Installation, please follow the next steps after stopping all the services running:

1) As root OS user, please unlock the Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home (on every node) as follows (set the correct grid home env first) :

# cd < Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home >/crs/install
# -unlock

2) As the Oracle Grid Infrastructure owner (on every node) relink the Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home as follows:

$ export ORACLE_HOME=< Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home >
$ < Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home>/bin/relink all

3) As root OS user again, please execute the next commands (on every node):

# cd < Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home >/rdbms/install/
# ./
# cd < Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home >/crs/install
# -lock

Then "crsctl start crs" - please see note above re oracleasm listdisks


Note: CRS services (CRS, CSS ASM instances, diskgroups, listeners, DB instances, etc.) will automatically start.

4) Please review the relink.log file located at the following directory (to confirm or discard any error):

$ < Grid Infrastructure Oracle Home>/install/relink.log

See also :

Relinking Oracle Home FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions) (Doc ID 1467060.1)

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