Windows tip.

Oracle runs on most Operating Systems, Linux, AIX, Red Hat, Solaris etc but not OS X for some reason, if anybody out there has managed to do so please let me know.

It also runs on Windows but if you mention running Oracle on Windows to a lot of DBAs they just give you a funny look. Well, if I am honest, I was like that too but in reality it is not too bad.

If you need to know the specification of Windows you can open up a command prompt and run systeminfo and then ipconfig /all to find out the network information. One thing I found out today I thought I would share. If you run msinfo not only does it give you all the information you need but if you look under File there is an option to either export all the info for the machine or just the bits you need. So the next time someone asks what the specification of your Windows box is, you can easily provide it. Who would have thought it, a Windows tip from me.

When running on an RDP if you need to change the password use - CTRL / ALT / End

If you use CTRL / ALT / Del you reset the local machine password.

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